  Seminars 3.Organizational Development
    (1)Leadership Development
      Purpose :
Grow to become a confident leader who is trusted by subordinates colleagues and bosses , and has excellent human character.  
      Outcome : Understand what is leadership, become an excellent motivator and communicator by good conflict management and excellent team builder.  
      Participants : Managers and higher  
      Structure : 2 days, some 20 participants  
    (2) Logical Thinking
      Purpose :
Learn effective logical thinking in issue finding, decision making, problem solving and risk analysis.  
      Outcome : Gain logical thinking methodology such as MECE, Logic Tree, KT method in order to fulfill the above mentioned purpose.  
      Participants : Managers  
      Structure : 2 days, some 20 participants  

2003-05 Global Management Partners All right reserved